Large Inventory Of Quality Pre-Owned Stereo and Home Theater Components For Sale!
Besides having some of the best selection of quality NEW equipment, we have used stereo and home theater components too! We buy, sell & trade stereo receivers, home theater components & systems, turntables, power amplifiers, vintage stereo equipment, quality speakers and more. Please call us at the shop to find out more.
All of our pre-owned gear is backed with a 30 day guarantee!
How To Sell Your Equipment To Us:
Do Not Come In Right Away. Please call us first with brands & model numbers, ask for our buyer at (503)-234-5341.
In most cases we can give you more in store credit to put towards something else in our store.
Free parking behind our store.
We'll help carry it in.
We don't just buy anything, so please call before bringing in equipment. If you wish to trade your gear, we will most often give you more for your trade-ins!