Free 30 to 45 minute turntable tune-up

Sign up and bring your turntable into our service shop for a complete
CHECK-UP! Have brand & model number handy when calling to sign-up
(Most models of turntables accepted).

Your Free Tune-Up Takes About 30 to 45 Minutes and We'll Check For:

  • Audio balance in both right and left channels.

  • Platter speeds at all settings and tonearm's vertical and horizontal movement.

  • Head-shell and cartridge wires for proper connectivity.

  • Stylus needle wear and inspect the cantilever using our stylus microscope.

  • Cartridge alignment on the head-shell for best tracking.

    Main drive belt and replace if necessary (parts extra) and recheck speed.

    Balancing and adjust tone-arm and adjust anti-skating.

    Instruct you on proper operation and show you how you can maintain your turntable and stylus for best performance!

Clinic days are Wednesday, Friday, And Saturday with two time slots available: 11:00am or 5:00pm. Complete assortment of parts and accessories available during this clinic. Record Cleaners, Stylus Cleaners, Needle and Cartridge Replacements and Upgrades, etc.